Acclaro DFSS™
Acclaro DFSS™ is full featured software, not a spreadsheet template file. The application is compatible with your current development process, supporting data in open formats like .csv and .xml. Axiomatic processes are compatible with TQM, DFSS, QFD and other quality initiatives.
System Requirements: Acclaro DFSS is software for Windows operating systems only. Supported operating systems:
- Windows 8+
- Windows Vista, XP, & 7 (64 bit OS not supported)
Document your requirements, then build and communicate optimal design solutions for the requirements.
- Implement DFSS quality processes with QFD, TRIZ, FMEA.
- Support a VOC process for requirements capture and analysis.
- Collaborate earlier, at the conceptual design phase, with multiuser support.
- Design better with decomposition tree views and coupling analysis.
- Visualize and quantify impact assessments when requirements change.
- Document design decisions and track change history.
Acclaro AHP Pairwise Comparison Ranking Tool
Functional Specs, Inc.’s AHP pairwise comparison ranking tool is an easy to use, flexible, fully automated online solution for surveying large groups of stakeholders. Surveys are compatible with browsers and mobile devices.
Make decisions based on stakeholder evaluations of options.
- Email survey invites and collect responses automatically
- Design surveys with flexible ranking scales
- Simple interface for stakeholder preference input
- Download Excel spreadsheets with stakeholder votes and calculated rankings, with option to group results by stakeholder classification
Axiomatic design provides a methodology to support good engineering.
Using this process, the engineer must understand the functional requirements of the design which define the project for the engineer and the manager, and give both parties a sense of what resources are needed, how long the project will take, and what the end product will look like.”
Bob Parvin, Vice President of Engineering Thermco Division,
Silicon Valley Group, Inc.