Acclaro AHP Pairwise Comparison Ranking Tool Features
Functional Specs, Inc.’s AHP pairwise comparison ranking tool is an easy to use, flexible, fully automated online solution for surveying large groups of stakeholders. Surveys are compatible with browsers and mobile devices.
- Survey Management
- Customizable Email and Survey Templates
- Manage Stakeholder User Lists
- Flexible Report Generation
- Download Excel Reports
Survey Management

- Create and edit surveys
- Add stakeholder participants at any time
- Download Excel reports
Customizable Email and Survey Templates

- Customize text of emails sent to survey participants
- Use variable substitution in email message body
- Customize text of survey landing page for stakeholder participants

- Flexible, customizable survey scales
Manage Stakeholder User Lists

- Add and edit multiple lists of stakeholders

- Define survey availability start and end dates per list
- Edit stakeholder lists

- Track stakeholder participation progress and send reminder emails
Flexible Report Generation

- Select stakeholder lists and participants to include in analysis
Download Excel Reports

- Pairwise comparison results are sorted and rounded for QFD
- Results can be recalculated by stakeholder types and other categories to explore and understand rankings

- Excel worksheet includes completed analysis with all calculations